Emphasizing Data Quality in Machine Learning

Testing CONiX Data Processing Solution

Understanding the impact of labeling issues on machine learning performance is crucial. Labeling issues can significantly affect the efficiency of supervised AI systems, as they heavily rely on dataset quality. A notable discussion in the field is presented in the IEEE paper "Classification in the Presence of Label Noise: A Survey", highlighting the challenges and importance of minimizing label noise in datasets. This is particularly vital in critical applications like autonomous driving, where system reliability is key to preventing malfunctions.

At b-plus, our primary goal is to enhance AI reliability and robustness through Quality Assurance (QA). We offer QA SaaS, ensuring high-quality dataset generation and optimized AI system performance. Our expertise lies in refining datasets to boost AI capabilities.

Consider the common issues in 2D bounding box labeling, a standard in object detection tasks. These include mislabeled objects, incorrect classifications, and inaccuracies in object dimensions or positions, among others. Label enrichment is a costly and labor-intensive process, with complexities scaling with dataset size and labeling intricacies. Both automated and manual labeling processes can introduce label noise, impacting AI model classification performance and possibly leading to increased data requirements, complexity, and costs.



We demonstrate the influence of flawed data on model performance through simple, practical experiments. Using the popular KITTI dataset for autonomous driving, provided by Tensorflow, we trained a neural network with progressively more corrupted data for 10 Epochs with a barch size of 2, which is equal to 63470 steps. Common labeling issues tested included partial object coverage, misclassification, and missing labels. We intentionally damaged a percentage of the dataset and observed the effects on network performance using metrics like F1-score and mean average precision (mAP).



Our findings, displayed in the accompanying figures, reveal a clear decline in both F1-score and mAP with an increase in label issues. Even a 5% corruption rate noticeably reduced performance. Delving deeper, we examined how the neural network's output changes with the introduction of corrupted data. Our focus was on the detection confidence for the "car" class, the most frequent object in the KITTI dataset. Consistent with other metrics, network confidence decreased as data corruption increased. This trend is crucial for applications like autonomous vehicles, where detection reliability is paramount.


In line with earlier metrics, there's a noticeable decrease in value as the proportion of compromised data increases. This trend is particularly significant for applications like autonomous vehicles, where the performance can be critically affected if higher thresholds are set or if these values are integrated into decision-making algorithms. An interesting observation from our study is the uniformity in the impact of different types of issues. This uniformity underscores the necessity for meticulous and thorough examination of all data, treating every potential issue with equal importance to ensure data integrity.

Moving on to a practical scenario, we explore a common set of challenges that b-plus encounters in real-world applications, particularly in autonomous driving. To simulate these challenges, we intentionally introduced various issues into the data as per the following outline:

Case Study and Iterative Improvement

We then conducted a practical case study to mimic typical issues encountered in autonomous driving data. After simulating various labeling problems, we applied the QA process of the CONiX Data Processing Solution to see the improvement in model performance.

Our in-house QA tool identifies flawed labels efficiently, allowing for significant improvements after just two QA cycles. This process not only boosts model performance but also aids labeling suppliers in enhancing overall quality, guided by our detailed feedback and insights.

Initially, over 70% of identified issues were resolved after the first QA cycle. By the second iteration, the issue rate nearly reached zero. The subsequent improvements in model performance were significant, as illustrated in our results.

In conclusion, our experiments and QA processes underlines the importance of high-quality datasets in enhancing AI model performance. B-plus remains committed to delivering efficient, high-quality dataset creation processes, ensuring superior performance for our clients.


Concluding Insights

Our research unequivocally shows that high-quality datasets are instrumental in enhancing AI model performance. b-plus’ CONiX Data Processing Solution process not only improves data accuracy but also aids our labeling partners in refining their methods, based on our comprehensive feedback. This collaborative approach ensures the creation of top-quality datasets, facilitating cost-effective and high-performance AI systems.

Through our advanced QA tools and expertise, b-plus is dedicated to elevating data integrity, thus empowering our clients with reliable, efficient AI solutions.
