B-plus exhibited at Embedded World for the first time ten years ago - as a component manufacturer. Over the time, the company shaped the embedded…
One of our companies lived ethical values is "safety", not only with our products. For us, this safety means the well-being of our employees, but also…
In order to meet the rapidly increasing requirements for recording and storing large amounts of data in a test vehicle, b-plus offers MDLake, a novel…
For extremely computationally intensive applications such as the development of algorithms or artificial intelligence, b-plus implemented the 19-inch…
Autonomous driving, digitization and artificial intelligence - with two strong partners at their side, a b-plus research team will devote themselves…
13 applicants, many innovative ideas and one prize: In November 2019 b-plus automotive GmbH was awarded the Innovation Prize of the city of…
b-plus GmbH is a member of the international organization AEF and develops various ISOBUS solutions for the use in mobile machines and implements. In…
In 2019 b-plus participates at the AEF ISOBUS Plugfest for the first time as a ´Bronze Sponsor´. As an ISOBUS specialist, it was a pleasure for us to…
On July 22, 2019, b-plus GmbH was awarded with the prestigious prize of the Bavarian State Ministry for Economic Affairs, Regional Development and…
Ensure time-synchronous multi-sensor recording by flexible recorder interfaces